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GD&T Fundamentals - 3-day Course Syllabus

A typical onsite agenda for a Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing course is shown below.

(For an outline of Tolerance Stack Analysis Using GD&T or GD&T Certification Preparation course, please contact us.)

GD&T Fundamentals Typical 3-Day Onsite Course Outline

Note: Some training companies have spread this same content out into two, 2-day courses, which they typically call “Fundamentals” and “Advanced” GD&T, saving “more difficult to teach” topics (like composite vs. two single-segments) for the “Advanced” class. We’ve responded to the pressure of having increasingly greater content to teach by coming up with better ways to teach more content in a shorter period of time, allowing us to cover material in 3 days that many other companies require 4 days to cover.  Also, we are happy to customize the training to meet other time-lines or to include related content, including a version that emphasizes applications to fixtures and gaging described in ASME Y14.43-2011 Dimensioning & Tolerancing Principles for Gages and Fixtures.


Day One

I. Introduction

a. People

b. GD&T defined: SFOL... what we want and what we'll take.

c. Three things you find with GD&T: FCFs, DFI symbols, basic dimensions.

d. Exercise: Symbols, names, and feature control frames.

e. Free state and ST modifiers

f. Exercise debrief: overview of everything

II. Features of Size vs. Surfaces (Big Map of the GD&T World)

a. Definition

b. Round / square

c. Internal / external

d. MMC

e. Rule #1

f. Exercises & debrief

III. Form

a. Flatness & Straightness

i. Definition

ii. Rule #1

iii. Inspection

i. Surface

1. Definition

2. Rule #1

3. Inspection

ii. FOS

1. Rule #1 vs. FOS application

2. To M or not to M (Bonus)

3. Round and square examples

4. Inspection

b. Roundness and Cylindricity

i. Definition

ii. Rule #1

iii. 2-D vs. 3-D

c. Exercises (Homework)



Day Two

e. Form exercise debrief

IV. Profile of a Surface as a Form Control

V. Surface Datums

a. Terminology: datums, datum features, fixtures, and gages

b. How to select a datum

c. How to simulate a datum

d. Exercises & debrief

VI. Orientation

a. Perpendicularity

i. Surface

1. Definition

2. Inspection

ii. FOS

1. Definition

2. To M or not to M

3. Round and square examples

4. Inspection

b. Angularity

i. Surface

1. Definition

2. Inspection

ii. FOS

1. Definition

2. To M or not to M

3. Round and square examples

4. Inspection

c. Parallelism

i. Surface

1. Definition

2. Rule #1

3. Inspection

iii. FOS

1. Definition

2. To M or not to M

3. Round and square examples

4. Inspection

d. Tangent Plane Modifier

e. Exercises & debrief


VII. Profile of a Surface as an Orientation Control

a. Referencing Datums

b. Controlling SFOL

c. Composite vs. Two Single-Segment

d. Dynamic profile modifier


Day 3

VIII. FOS datums

a. M: Shift happens

b. RFS: No shift

c. Patterns of features used as a datum

d. Exercises and applications

e. Debrief

IX. Location

a. Position

i. Definition

ii. To M or not to M (bonus)

iii. Inspection

iv. Round and square

v. What's included?

vi. To M or not to M (datum shift)

vii. To L or not to L

viii. To Project or not to Project

ix. Patterns of features

x. Exercises & debrief

b. Runout

i. Definition

ii. Circular

iii. Total

iv. Use of T modifier

c. Concentricity & Symmetry-Legacy controls. How to get along without them?

i. Definition

ii. Using modifiers

iii. Use in stacks

X. Applications using customer drawings (highly recommended!)

XI. Close

a. Optional GD&T Jeopardy-like review

b. Optional Posttest

c. Other resources

d. ASME Certification info

e. Course evaluations

Our instructors are available to travel to your facility to teach your people how to apply GD&T and/or tolerance stack analysis to your products using ASME Y14.5-2018, -2009, or -1994, and we can teach how GD&T applies to your gages using ASME Y14.43. 


Onsite training allows for more customization and application time and saves money, including eliminating travel costs for your participants. For a free quote for onsite Reading Engineering Drawings (typically 1 day), GD&T Fundamentals (typically 3-days as outlined above), or Tolerance Stack Analysis Using GD&T (typically 2-days), call: (586) 693-0219 or email:


We'll need to know an approximate number of trainees, the location, and desired dates, and we'll check the travel costs and send you a PDF quote for the training that includes a detailed outline and explains everything that's included.

We've taught in the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe, and China, and we can arrange for a Spanish-speaking instructor. We can also offering courses of different lengths for different audiences and budgets.


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